







*1. インターネットガバナンスとは(JPNIC公式HPより)

*2. チュニスアジェンダとは(JPNIC公式HPより)


8. How far do you consider the implementation of specific WSIS outcomes to have been achieved?

As for IGF:
We think its purpose has been achieved to some meaningful extent.
Some of the meaningful achievements include:
(1) Various stakeholders cooperate with each other in carrying out the IGF, from agenda setting to discussion itself.
(2) IGF has become to deal with issues that widely and deeply matter to human activities, while in early days CIR management from political background was the big controversial issue.

10. What are the challenges to the implementation of WSIS outcomes? What are the challenges that have inhibited the emergence of a "people-centred, inclusive and development-oriented Information Society"?

As for the level of stakeholders' participation in IGF:
Evolution of remote participation environment is very much appreciated in enhancing participation of those who have difficulties in joining the IGF activities physically in person.

Discussion in IGF are intensively conducted by various stakeholders. We think the language barrier, however, still hinders some participants to join at full.

Involving participants other than UN official language speakers is important especially when we think about the people who are to become Internet users in the days to come. While we need to maximize the balance among cost, speed, and level of participation, we should try to seek and implement the ways to enhance the level of participation of all stakeholders who speak various languages.

15. Please add any other comments that you wish to make on the subject of the review that you believe would be helpful.

The expansion of IGF activities, from global to regional and national arena, is a favorable trend. However we have to be careful not to regard regional IGF's and national IGF's as subordinate body of global IGF. Each region or country has their own structure of organizations and activities, which reflects its unique characteristics and circumstances. We should respect "one size doesn't fit all" in that sense.

For example, in Japan, we recognize at least two fora that deal with Internet Governance per se. They are called "IGCJ (Internet Governance Conference Japan)" and IGF-Japan, both of which have their characteristic value. They have different approaches of gathering participants, setting topics, and possibly the purpose of the forum.

Therefore, we should not use the term "regional IGF or national IGF" when we refer to local activities. Instead, we should use the term "regional or national organization/forum to discuss Internet Governance".


8. どの程度、特定のWSIS成果の実施は達成されたと思うか?


10. WSIS成果の実施をする上での課題は何か?「人を中心とし、包括的で開発指向の情報社会」の発現を阻害する課題は何か?



15. その他、レビューの対象として有益と思うものがあれば、その他コメントを追記して欲しい。

IGFの活動がグローバルから各地域、各国へと拡大するのは喜ばしい傾向である。しかし、我々は各地域IGFや各国IGFをグローバルIGFの下部組織とみなさないように注意しなければならない。各地域または国は独自の組織や活動の構造を持ち、それは独自の特徴や慣習を反映したものである。その点について、我々は"one size doesn't fits all"を尊重すべきである。

たとえば、日本では少なくとも二つのインターネットガバナンスに関する議論の場が存在すると我々は認識している。それらは「IGCJ (Internet Governance Conference Japan)」と「IGF-Japan」といい、どちらも特徴的な価値を持つ。それらは参加者の集め方、議題の決め方のアプローチ、さらには議論の目的が異なる。
