
Top  >  トピックス  >  2013年  >  JPRSが国連下の協力強化のためのワーキンググループによる質問票に対して回答を提出

トピックス: 2013年



2013年8月30日、JPRSは国連下の「開発のための科学技術委員会 協力強化のためのワーキンググループ(CSTD WGEC)」が公開した質問票に対して、以下の通り回答を提出しました。




*1. インターネットガバナンスとは(JPNIC公式HPより)

*2. チュニスアジェンダとは(JPNIC公式HPより)


3. To what extent has or has not enhanced cooperation been implemented?
Please use the space below to explain and to provide examples to support your answer.

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is the forum where participants share the information and exchange their opinions relevant to the international public policy issues pertaining to the Internet. Various stakeholders including governments participate in the IGF activities. Sharing issues and actions to solve them are employed in a bottom-up manner. We appreciate these actions as a worthy progress of implementing enhanced cooperation.

4. What are the relevant international public policy issues pertaining to the Internet?

The essential issue is the promotion of active participation of various stakeholders in relevant international public policy setting scenes pertaining to the Internet. Other important issues are to design seamless policies for both international and domestic matters giving deliberation on the borderlessness of the Internet and to cooperate globally to implement such policies.

5. What are the roles and responsibilities of the different stakeholders, including governments, in implementation of the various aspects of enhanced cooperation?

Each stakeholder should contribute in solving various issues lying on the way to enhanced cooperation by taking action based on the stakeholder's own experience and wisdom acquired in their field. They should also work together with other stakeholders to cope with the issues.

6. How should enhanced cooperation be implemented to enable governments, on an equal footing, to carry out their roles and responsibilities in international public policy issues pertaining to the Internet?

As mentioned in question 3, we appreciate IGF promoting various multistakeholders including governments to share information and exchange opinions regarding the relevant international public policy issues pertaining to the Internet.
We should not make discussions more complicated or deconcentrated, but make use of the proven framework of IGF. By utilizing IGF framework, the governments should not intervene the fields which each stakeholder can take sound and autonomous actions. We expect governments to coordinate and implement the bare minimum of required international policies and domestic policies which only the governments can work on.

8. What are the most appropriate mechanisms to fully implement enhanced cooperation as recognized in the Tunis Agenda, including on international public policy issues pertaining to the Internet and public policy issues associated with coordination and management of critical Internet resources?

ICANN is a pioneering organization that employs multistakeholderism in coordinating the critical Internet resources based on the autonomous input from various stakeholders, such as governments, private sector, and civil society. We believe this model is the appropriate mechanism to fully implement the enhanced cooperation as recognized in the Tunis Agenda. We should refer to this model as a basis in coping with issues other than the Internet resource management as well.

9. What is the possible relationship between enhanced cooperation and the IGF?

As mentioned before, various multistakeholders including governments participate in the IGF and discuss international public policy issues pertaining to the Internet. IGF framework should be further utilized at a maximum as a forum to discuss and yield a concept or specific idea of promoting enhanced cooperation.

18. Are there other comments, or areas of concern, on enhanced cooperation you would like to submit?

We support the open and bottom-up multistakeholder model so that the Internet continues to evolve and equally connects every corner of the world.


3. 協力強化はどの程度実現されてきたか、または実現されてこなかったか。


4. インターネットに関連する国際公共政策に関する課題とは何か。


5. 様々な分野での協力強化を行う上での、政府を含む異なるステークホルダーの役割と責任は何か。


6. 政府がインターネットに関連する国際公共政策に関する課題に関し、平等に役割と責任を果たすために、協力強化は、どのように実施されるべきか。

質問3で述べたとおり、我々はIGFという場が、政府を含む様々なステークホルダーがインターネットに関する国際公共政策課題についての情報共有及び意見交換を促進していることを評価する。 議論の場をより複雑化、分散化するのではなく、IGFという実績ある枠組みを有効活用するべきである。IGFの枠組みを活用し、政府は各ステークホルダーが健全で自律的な活動を行うことができる分野には踏み込むべきでない。我々は政府に対し、政府のみが取り組むことができる、最低限必要となる国際的、国内的ポリシーの調整と実装を期待する。

8. チュニスアジェンダで述べられているインターネットに関連する国際公共政策の課題と重要インターネット資源に関する調整と管理に関連する公共政策を含む協力強化を十分に実現するための最も適切なメカニズムは何か。


9. 協力強化とIGFの関わりは何か。


18. 協力強化に関するその他コメントや懸念点はあるか。
