
Press Release: 2005

Press Release

December 20, 2005
WIDE Project
Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd.(JPRS)

WIDE Project and JPRS Start Joint Operation of a Root DNS Server

The WIDE Project (General Chair Person: Jun Murai, Vice President, Keio University and Prof., Faculty of Environmental Information, Keio University), which is a research consortium based in Japan for various network related technologies, and Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd. (JPRS; Chiyoda-ku Tokyo; President: Koki Higashida), which is the company responsible for management and administration of .JP top-level domain and overall management and operation of the JP domain name system (JP DNS), have produced a joint statement that they will operate the M-Root DNS server collaboratively, in an effort to achieve further stability and development of the server and secure an enhanced framework which contributes to the realization of greater soundness of the Internet.

Since August 1997, WIDE has operated the M-Root DNS server, one of 13 root DNS servers in the world, and contributed to the progress of the technology and operational stability of the Internet. JPRS, on the other hand, has provided a stable usage environment of JP domain names through registration of JP domain names and administration of the JP DNS. In this regard, JPRS has cooperated with WIDE in technical development of the DNS and in administration of the DNS server. Inother words, WIDE and JPRS have worked hand-in-hand for years to play a key role in the operation of the Internet.

Today, operational stability of the Internet is of ever-greater importance, as it penetrates rapidly into many aspects of our daily lives. Under this circumstance, combination of WIDE's spirit of innovation and JPRS's technology for operational stability makes it possible to enhance security and stability of the M-Root DNS server. In addition, through this improvement, it will enable them to contribute further to the promotion of the Internet environment.

It is not possible to clearly distinguish between developing and applying advanced technology, and making use of the technology in practical operation. Therefore, WIDE and JPRS will work closely together in every aspect of operation and development of M-Root DNS server system.

Also, WIDE and JPRS will continuously cooperate with other DNS server operators inside and outside of the country toward further development and greater operational stability of the Internet as a whole, to meet the needs of the Internet community and society in general.


  1. Root DNS servers
    Root DNS servers manage information of the top portion of the DNS hierarchy. They have 13 names in the form letter.root-servers.net where letter ranges from A to M. These servers provide core information in making all the domain names available in the Internet.

Reference URL

  1. List of the current Root DNS servers

WIDE Project
WIDE (Widely Integrated Distributed Environment) established in 1988 as a research consortium working on the practical research and development of Internet-related technologies. It has made significant contribution to the development of the Internet through collaborating with many other bodies including 133 companies and 11 universities to carry out joint research projects in a wide range of fields, and through operating "M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET", one of the Root DNS servers, since 1997.

Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd. (JPRS)
JPRS was incorporated on December 26, 2000 to carry out responsibility of the management and administration of the .JP top-level domain and to operate the domain name system. As a company dedicated to maintaining the Internet infrastructure, JPRS contributes to the development of the Internet and building of a better future for everyone.

Press Contacts
WIDE Project/PR Div.
TEL: +81-466-49-3618 (C/O KEIO Research Institute at SFC)
FAX: +81-466-49-3622
E-mail: press@wide.ad.jp
Delta N109 Keio Research Institute at SFC
5322 Endo, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa-ken
252-8520, Japan

Japan Registry Service Co., Ltd. (JPRS)/President's Office Public Relations
TEL: +81-3-5215-8451
FAX: +81-3-5215-8452
E-mail: press@jprs.co.jp
Chiyoda First Bldg. East 13F, 3-8-1 Nishi-Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
101-0065, Japan