Registered JP Domain Names (Total Number)
Latest Statistics
The number of JP domain name registrations (2025/01/01 Total: 1778823)
General-Use JP Domain Name(Total: 1206764)
ASCII(Alpha-Numeric) |
1125460 |
Japanese |
Japanese(Japanese Domain Names) |
81304 |
Prefecture Type JP Domain Name(Total: 10607)
ASCII(Alpha-Numeric) |
9264 |
Japanese |
Japanese(Japanese Domain Names) |
1343 |
Organizational Type and Geographic Type JP Domain Name (Total: 561452)
AD |
Members of JPNIC |
255 |
AC |
Universities, Technical schools, Incorporated schools |
3858 |
CO |
Incorporated companies, Limited companies |
487196 |
GO |
Government organizations, Government-affiliated organizations |
837 |
OR |
Foundation, Aggregate corporation |
41095 |
NE |
Network services |
12574 |
GR |
Arbitrary organization |
5235 |
ED |
Schools including primary, junior and senior high schools |
6448 |
LG |
Local Government |
1920 |
Geographic Type |
2034 |