

Registered JP Domain Names (Total Number)

Latest Statistics

The number of JP domain name registrations (2025/01/01 Total: 1778823)

General-Use JP Domain Name(Total: 1206764)
ASCII ASCII(Alpha-Numeric) 1125460
Japanese Japanese(Japanese Domain Names) 81304
Prefecture Type JP Domain Name(Total: 10607)
ASCII ASCII(Alpha-Numeric) 9264
Japanese Japanese(Japanese Domain Names) 1343
Organizational Type and Geographic Type JP Domain Name (Total: 561452)
AD Members of JPNIC 255
AC Universities, Technical schools, Incorporated schools 3858
CO Incorporated companies, Limited companies 487196
GO Government organizations, Government-affiliated organizations 837
OR Foundation, Aggregate corporation 41095
NE Network services 12574
GR Arbitrary organization 5235
ED Schools including primary, junior and senior high schools 6448
LG Local Government 1920
GEO Geographic Type 2034