
Topics: 2007

Cumulative Number of Registered .JP Domain Names Exceeds 900,000

(4 April 2007)

JPRS today announced that the cumulative number of registered .JP domain names as of April 1, 2007 exceeded 900,000, hitting 908,329. .JP ranks 10th in the number of registrations among 250 ccTLDs worldwide. (source: JPRS)
Of 908,329 .JP domain names, 540,168 are the General-use JP domain names (e.g., EXAMPLE.JP) (412,502 ASCII plus 127,666 Japanese domain names). The rest consists of the Organizational type JP domain names (e.g., EXAMPLE.CO.JP) and Geographic type JP domain names, recording all-time high of 368,161.
The figure marks 12% increase versus a year ago (April 1, 2006). Organizational and Geographic type JP domain names grew by steady 5%. General-use JP domain names which indivials can register marked 17% increase by 79,220 from 460,948 to 540,168. The surge of the General-use JP domain name registration was propelled by incrase of individuals sending out information onto the Internet through various online means including blog. Also, JPRS' measures to improve its services including shortening of processing time for JP DNS update (April, 2006) are believed to have promoted registrations and active use of registered domain names.
JPRS lowered the General-use domain name registration fee as of March 26, 2007, and will strive for further reduction. In addition, JPRS continues to endeavor to realize easy-to-register and highly-reliable Organizational type JP domain names (e.g., CO.JP). These measures will surely promote more registration and utilization of JP domain names.


1. Statistics

2. Time-Series Data of JP Domain Name Registration (since 1992)

3. JPRS Implemented Shortening of Processing Time for JP DNS Updates