JPRS/JPNIC Report to Sakamoto
JPRS/JPNIC Report to Sakamoto
November 12, 2001
Accredited representative of the Japanese Government to the Governmental
Advisory Committee of ICANN,
Mr. Yasuo Sakamoto
Director, Computer Communications Division
Telecommunications Bureau
Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications
Report on Execution of Memorandum for Transfer of Management and Administration of the .JP Top Level Domain
Dear Mr. Sakamoto:
Based on the resolution adopted at the JPNIC (Japan Network Information Center) 11th General Meeting of December 22, 2000, JPNIC and JPRS (Japan Registry Service Co., Ltd.) have studied and discussed transfer of the management and administration of the .JP top level domain. As a result, a consensus regarding an outline of agreed principles and conditions was reached, and on November 9, 2001, a Memorandum on the management and administration of the .JP top level domain was executed by JPNIC and JPRS. We hereby report this to you, and have attached a copy of said Memorandum.
It is the intention of JPRS to enter into a ccTLD Sponsorship Agreement with ICANN, and will proceed with the actual transfer after a transfer agreement between JPNIC and JPRS has been executed.
JPRS will send a Request to ICANN to initiate Redelegation procedures and a new ccTLD Sponsorship Agreement, and we anticipate that you will receive a request for confirmation from ICANN. We respectfully request your cooperation in this matter.
Sincerely yours,
Jun Murai (sealed)
Japan Network Information Center
Koki Higashida (sealed)
Chief Executive Officer
Japan Registry Service Co., Ltd.